crazy 8s 1 crazy 8s 2

In week 6 we examined the way in which sound could be implemented in p5. In the above gif, you can see a line moving in time to the song "Alejandro" by Lady Gaga. We did this through the use of the preload function that we utilised when importing images into p5 last week. Whilst the line maps a grid of the volume of the song, the circle pulses along to the beat, creating a really cool graphic, especially when used with more complicated sounds, such as music.



We also examined p5's ability to display data, in this instance we utilised and created a pie chart representing a data array. When the data is changed, the pie pieces get bigger or smaller based on the percentage they take up of the pie. However, no matter how hard I tried I could not get the label function to work, which was disappointing.

crazy 8s 2



As part of my homework I experimented with algorithms in real life, such as in week 4 when we used the dice to decide where shapes were placed. Similarly, I used a dice to decide between all of the choices I made in a day. Whilst fun, this was also incredibly stressful for me, especially with the lack of control given by a randomised dice roll. To minimise stress, I broke all decisions down into two options, and if the dice rolled a 1-3 I would choose the first, or a 4-6 I would choose the second.

As a result of the dice rolls, I had a very weird day. I wore a hoodie with trackies which was nice as I was just hanging around the house, had a banana for breakfast - which was not very filling and unfortunately had coke instead of water, ALL DAY. I was very dehydrated by the end of the day. For lunch I had noodles and played nintendo switch, walked the dog and went on social media for an hour instead of starting my homework, which was annoying. I then had to do my game design homework instead of my branding homework, and finally read a book before bed.

As much as it was interesting I am not in a rush to play this game again, it was very stressful not being in control of my choices for a whole day!


